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Want to be part of a thriving and compassionate community? The choice is yours.

For over 25 years, the Taiwan Lourdes Association has been dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of those impacted by HIV/AIDS and the LGBT communities.You have the power to decide how your financial contribution can make a meaningful impact in our community.

Make a Impact

With a donation of any amount, you can contribute to our community's well-being. You have the flexibility to give more or less based on your circumstances. Your support, no matter the amount, is greatly appreciated, and all donations are eligible for tax deductions in Taiwan.

Choosing to support our community has been the best decision you could ever made. Now, the decision is yours.

If you have a preference for your donation to specifically support a certain aspect of the Taiwan Lourdes Association's work, please let us know.For foreign currency wire transactions, please refer to the information provided below:

 Beneficiary's Bank  Bank Sinopac,No.36,Sec.3,Nanjing E. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
 Beneficiary's A/C No.  001-008-0003197-6

